We invite you to visit Chaussures Semy at Plaza St-Hubert to discover our exclusive models, while enjoying a very personalized atmosphere.

Buying local means supporting our business.
A family’s pride since 1971 !

Chaussures Semy

6683, Saint-Hubert Street
Montreal, Qc H2S 2M5
514 279-1990

You can find us four doors south of St-Zotique.
Public parking, corner Bélanger and St-André.
Public parking, corner St-Zotique and St-André, a few steps from the IGA.
The Beaubien metro station is also a short walk away.

We are worth the trip !

Store hours

Monday :
Tuesday :
Wednesday :
Thursday :
Friday :
Saturday :
Sunday :
10 : 00 am to 6 : 00 pm
10 : 00 am to 6 : 00 pm
10 : 00 am to 7 : 00 pm
10 : 00 am to 7 : 00 pm
10 : 00 am to 4 : 00 pm


Semy through the years

In 1971
